Meet Our Donors
Lydia Cerveny, Wanda Haudek and Elsie Valek

(left to right) Lydia Cerveny, Wanda Haudek and Elsie Valek
We are nicknamed “the three sisters,” and became charter members of the RHF Circle of Friends in 2002 when we informed the RHF Fund Development Department of our bequest arrangement to RHF.
All of us were born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio and moved to California in the 1950’s and in the 1970’s. We moved to an RHF community Sun City Gardens located in Sun City, CA. in 2001. We have been very happy and grateful for the wonderful care we receive each day here.
Wanda is glad that her legacy will do so many things for seniors to make their lives a little better. Lydia is proud that her legacy will contribute to the RHF mission by providing funds to help someone less fortunate. Elsie receives the satisfaction of helping RHF and others in a meaningful way for many years to come!
The gift-planning options of RHF are plentiful, enough
to meet almost every need. We recommend exploring the choices available
to you.
(RHF is sad to report that Wanda passed away in 2003.)